1. Information about the VMCS Scholarship Program

The Vietnam Master of Computer Science Scholarship (VMCS) is an initiative by the Ministry of Information and Communications of Vietnam to enhance the quality of information technology and communication human resources for countries that have cooperative and investment relationships with Vietnam. The program is provided by the Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology (PTIT) with the sponsorship of major ICT corporations in Vietnam, particularly Viettel Group, starting from the academic year 2023. The main details of the program are as follows:

  • VMCS aims to attract talented applicants aged between 25 and 40 years old who will contribute to the development of the country’s information technology sector.
  • VMCS offers full scholarships to exceptional applicants who are technical and managerial staff working in government agencies of countries with cooperative and investment relationships with Vietnam. These applicants will pursue the 1.5-year Master of Computer Science program (taught in English) at the Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology in Vietnam.

Objectives of VMCS:

  • Support the development of ICT human resources for countries with cooperative and investment relationships with Vietnam.
  • Enhance the ICT capacity for countries with cooperative and investment relationships with Vietnam by granting full scholarships for the Master of Computer Science program at the Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology – a leading higher education institution in Vietnam – to technical and managerial staff working in government agencies. These individuals will contribute to their countries in mastering ICT technologies in the context of the Industrial Revolution 4.0.
  • Promote multilateral cooperation among countries with cooperative and investment relationships with Vietnam.
  • VMCS scholarship applicants are expected to establish a foundation for bilateral cooperation between their home countries and Vietnam. Through academic and social activities during their study in Vietnam, they will contribute to the development of multilateral relations among nations.

2. Target Applicants

Eligibility and Nationality:

Applicants must be citizens of countries that have diplomatic relations with Vietnam and are currently living or working in those countries at the time of application, either self-funding or being sponsored by companies with scholarship agreements with the designated Academy.

Priority will be given to applicants who are officials or employees working in government agencies or entities of the host country, supported by companies with scholarship agreements with the designated Academy at the time of application.

Age Limit:

Applicants must be between 25 and 40 years old at the time of the enrollment announcement.

Educational Qualifications:

  • Applicants must hold a bachelor’s degree issued by authorized institutions in their respective countries, in the relevant field of study that aligns with the Master of Computer Science program offered by the Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology.
  • They must have a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 7.0 or above (on a scale of 10) for all academic years of their undergraduate studies, or an equivalent GPA converted according to international standards.

English Proficiency:

  • Applicants are required to have an IELTS score of 6.0 or higher or an equivalent certificate with a valid period, as stipulated by each type of certificate and awarded by internationally recognized testing organizations (TOEFL PBT: 550; TOEFL CBT: 213; or TOEFL iBT: 80).
  • If applicants do not meet the standard English language requirements due to difficulty in obtaining international certifications, PTIT and/or the Scholarship-Committee will review the cases individually.

Health Conditions:

Applicants must be in good physical and mental health.

  • Note: applicants must submit a health certificate along with their applications. The program coordination board reserves the right to arrange health checks if necessary and may reject scholarship awards for candidates who do not meet the health condition.

Ineligible Applicants:

The following individuals will be considered ineligible:

  • Those who have violated the law or are under investigation or disciplinary measures by competent authorities in their home country in any form.
  • Those are subject to military service obligations.

Other Conditions:

Successful scholarship applicants must fulfill the commitment to complete the training program in Vietnam.

3. Selection Process

  • 01/8-30/8/2023 – Application Submission

Deadline for submitting applications: 5:00 PM, August 30th, 2023.
Applicants submit their soft copies through LINK and hard copies to Center for International Education, Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology, Vietnam.

  • 15/9/2023 – Application Evaluation

The selection committee will assess the applications to shortlist applicants for the Interview Round.

  • 20/9/2023 – Interview (if required)

The selection committee will conduct interviews with applicants through an online format (candidates will be notified via email).

  • 25/9/2023 – Admission Approval

Successful applicants will be informed of their admission results.

  • 01/10-25/10/2023 – Arrival in Vietnam

The sponsoring companies will arrange air tickets, and Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology will assist with procedures for the selected applicants upon their arrival in Vietnam.

  • 30/10/2023 – Opening Ceremony

Opening Ceremony and start the academic year.

The timeline may be adjusted according to the actual implementation progress.

Some Important Notes:

  • The selection expenses will be covered by the VMCS program.
  • Application documents will not be returned (applicants are encouraged to keep one set of copies for themselves).
  • The selection results will be communicated to the nominating agencies of the applicants (specialized ICT Ministries of respective countries).
  • In principle, the reasons for the selection results will not be disclosed.

4. Selection Criteria

Selection Process

Document-based Selection Round:

Interview (If required)


• Academic transcripts and academic achievements;

• Potential contributions in the future through the knowledge gained in the program;

• Content of the Letter of Application;

• Content of the Letter/Official Document of Nomination.

• Academic background and learning ability;

• Capability to complete the program in Vietnam;

• Potential contribution to the country's development after graduation.

Objective and Purpose

The selection committee will assess the candidates' knowledge, academic background, and potential contributions after completing the program to shortlist candidates for the Interview Round.

The selection committee will evaluate the applicants' academic knowledge, creativity, and logical thinking abilities through the interview process.

5. Scholardship

Successful applicants will be granted a FULL scholarship for the whole 1.5-year course in Vietnam. The following benefits generally apply:

  • Full tuition fee
  • Settlement allowance
  • Dormitory at PTIT campus
  • Monthly stipend (10,000,000
    VND, equivalent to 420 USD)
  • Health Insurance
  • Holidays expense
  • Roundtrip airfare (international
    flights) to Hanoi, Vietnam

6. Important Notes

The VMCS program has some essential rules to achieve its objectives and ensure a conducive environment for the enrolled students.

  • Before coming to Vietnam

Selected program applicants must submit a commitment letter to the Academy and the sponsoring company, pledging to comply with the VMCS program’s regulations.

  • During studying in Vietnam

Selected applicants must complete their studies within the specified timeframe and return to their home countries promptly after completing the training program.

If selected applicants violate the Academy’s disciplinary rules or fail to complete the training program within the designated time due to any reasons, such as poor academic performance, family-related matters, health issues, etc., the scholarship funding will not be provided.

  • After returning to the home country

Students are required to maintain the network of relationships established during their study period in Vietnam.

7. Application Documents

Application forms and other relevant documents can be downloaded from the following LINK

Important Notes

  • Applicants are advised to prepare one set of original application documents.
  • All non-English language documents need to be translated into English, duly notarized, and certified by a consulate (self-translated documents will not be accepted).
  • Use A4 paper size for all documents in the application package.
  • Avoid using staples for documents; instead, use paper clips.
  • Candidates are advised to make a backup of their application documents before submission.

List of application documents

8. Submit Application

Candidates submit soft copies through LINK and hard copies to Center for International Education, Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology, Vietnam.

  • Important Notes:

Incomplete application documents will not be accepted.

Applications submitted after the deadline will not be accepted.

Applications will be disqualified if candidates provide false information or show signs of plagiarism.

Application documents will not be returned to candidates for any reason.

  • Application Deadline:

17:00, August 30th, 2023.

  • Application Postal Address:

Center for International Education – Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology

5th Floor, Building A1, Ha Dong Training Center – 96A Tran Phu Street, Ha Dong District, Hanoi, Vietnam

Tel: +84 24 3352 5741

Email: cie@ptit.edu.vn 

case studies

See More Case Studies

Application Review Phase Criterias: Transcripts and academic achievements Ability to contribute in the future through the knowledge that will be learned in the program Contents

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