Vietnam Master of Computer Science Scholarship

VMCS Scholarship Program - Master of Computer Science taught in English for international students.
Who should apply
25 - 40

Years Old

GPA >7.0



English Level

Officers & Employees

Priority Candidates


The Vietnam Master of Computer Science Scholarship

The Computer Science Master program is offered in English and available on a scholarship basis to international students.​

Developing IT human resources

Support the development of IT human resources for nations with which Vietnam has cooperation and investment partnerships.


Encourage multilateral cooperation

Encourage multilateral cooperation among countries with Vietnam’s investment and trade relations.



Entry Requirements


Citizens who have nationalities of countries that have diplomatic relations with Vietnam and are living or working in that country; when applying can be self-funded or nominated by an enterprise that has a scholarship agreement with the Academy at the time of application.
Preference will be given to citizens who are officials and employees working at agencies and units managed by the State or the Government of the host country and designated by the enterprise that has a scholarship agreement with PTIT at the time of application.

Age and Educational Level

From 25 years old to 40 years old by the date of enrollment announcement.
Having a university diploma in Computer science issued by the competent authority of the country, or in the training major which is suitable for the master's degree in Computer science at PTIT.
The cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of the university years is 7.0 or higher (calculated on a 10-point scale) or equivalently converted according to international practices.


Candidates must have a certificate of IELTS 6.0 or higher or equivalent certificates that are still valid according to the regulations of each certificate and issued by internationally recognized testing units (TOEFL PBT: 550; TOEFL CBT 213 or TOEFL iBT: 80).
In case candidates do not have a standard English certificate due to difficulties, it will be specifically considered by PTIT and/or the scholarship grantor.

Health Conditions

Have good physical and mental health.
Note: Candidates must submit a health certificate. The Program Coordinator reserves the right to arrange medical examinations if deemed necessary and refuse to grant scholarships to applicants who do not pass the health tests.

Unqualified Candidates

The following candidated are considered unqualified:
People who violate the law, or are in the investigation or discipline stage by the competent authorities in the host country, in any way.
People who are doing their military service.

Other requirements

Students who are admitted to the scholarship are obliged to complete the training program in Vietnam.

Admission Process

Candidates for the Master of Science in Computer Science program will be evaluated based on their professional competence, leadership skills, academic aptitude, and potential to contribute to Vietnam’s and their home country’s growth.

01/08/2023 - 30/08/2023: Submit application

Deadline for application submission: 17.00 - August 31, 2023. Candidates submit the application in soft and hard copies according to the instructions.

15/09/2023: Selection

The admissions committee evaluates the submissions to list candidates for the Interview Round.

20/09/2023: Interview

The admissions committee will conduct an online interview (candidates will be notified via email).

25/09/2023: Approved for admission

Acceptance will be sent to successful candidates.​

01/10/2023 - 25/10/2023: Come to Vietnam

Accepted applicants will be supported in travel expenses to Vietnam by the Post and Telecommunications Institute of Technology and business sponsers.

30/10/2023: Opening Ceremony

Opening Ceremony and start new semester.


The Vietnam Master of Computer Science Scholarship

This scholarship is for talented students who are technicians and managers working in government agencies in countries that have cooperation and investment relations with Vietnam.


Selection criterias

Application Review Phase


  • Transcripts and academic achievements
  • Ability to contribute in the future through the knowledge that will be learned in the program
  • Contents of the Application Letter
  • Contents of the Letter/Dispatch of recruitment.


The Admissions Committee will evaluate the candidate’s knowledge, academic background and ability to contribute after completing the program to produce a short list of Interview Phase.

Interview phase (if necessary)


  • Academic background and learning ability
  • Ability to complete the study program in Vietnam
  • Ability to contribute to the development of Vietnam after graduation.


The Admissions Committee will evaluate the candidate’s academic knowledge, creativity and logical thinking through the interview session.

About scholarship

  • Successful candidates will receive a full scholarship for the whole 1.5-year course in Vietnam. The scholarship covers: 
  • Tuition Initial support costs 
  • Dormitory arrangement at the campus of PTIT 
  • Monthly living expenses (10,000,000 VND, equivalent to 420 USD) 
  • Health Insurance 
  • Bonus for Festival, New Year,…
  • Roundtrip airfare (international flight) to Hanoi, Vietnam

What documents do you need

Application form and other documents can be downloaded at the link:


  • Candidates prepare 01 original application dossier. 
  • All documents written in a language other than English need to be translated into English with a notarization and consular certification (self-translations are not accepted). 
  • Use only A4 size for all documents. 
  • Do not staple documents. Use pins instead. 
  • Candidates make a backup copy of their application documents before submitting their application.

How to apply

Application Deadlines

17:00 - 30/8/2023

Application Postal Address

Center for International Education, Post and Telecommunications Institute of Technology 5th floor, Building A1, 96A Tran Phu, Ha Dong District, Hanoi
Tel: +84 24 3352 5741

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Consultation Process

Consult to apply


Fill register form and send to PTIT


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